Between staying up late doing school work and getting up early in the morning for school I just can’t seem to get enough sleep, but I guess I’d better change that if I want to have good health when I’m older. Studies have shown that poor sleep and sleeping habits could cause high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and being overweight or obese. The reason poor sleep and sleeping habits lead to these things is because teens are getting insufficient amounts of sleep and using caffeine to stay awake and not getting any exercise. Teens are also using over the counter drugs to help them stay awake and that shouldn’t even be allowed because that is allowed for your health. Maybe some parents should look into this to prevent their children from having terrible health in the future. The parents, of course, is probably who this blog was written for. Especially younger, new parents that might not know the bad effects of sleep deficiency. I completely understand and agree that lack of sleep is bad for anyone’s health and everyone could easily avoid this. Where I got this information: